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HMAS Leeuwin 71
This page was last updated: January 17, 2022
Josh Van Kalken from 38th  visiting the Last Resort
Jackos new Grandson..
Dave and Leo with their better halves
Stephen Paull Now...    Paul Purtle Stephen and Little Lloyd in 71
These are some bees that Mousie knocked off from somewhere.. He said it weighed around 45 kilos.  Wonder who carried it for him...
Swabby with his new grandaughter Charlotte (Charlie)
Congratulations from the 34th mate...
John and Loretta Atkins enjoying their retirement trip to Europe... and Atcko organising his duty free wine..
I am reliably informed that yes it is twins and they are due any day now..  Been to too many Souths games this year have you Shaggs?????
Spike Shaggs Bungy and Mousie lamenting the 2013 GF
Phil Jackson and a bunch of ex birdies at the races in WA
This is my grandaughter  born at 0700 29th April to Carl and Cheri

 Isla Scarlet Clinton

Col George piccy from his Facebook page
Mouse with a nice fish he caught 12k off Sydney Heads on Fathers Day 2014
Mal wasn't going to be outdone by Mouse some of his finer efforts
Poppy Parade
Phil Williams and his grandson Banksy
Phil Stewart and his grandaughter Annabelle
Werner Augsdorfer
Lyles son Phil with his latest catch at a game fishing comp on the south coast.... 169 kg black  marlin
John Atkins with his sister Mary and Mum Shirley
Terry and Gerda Adams congratulations on your 40th anniversary
Mal Dann and his new grandaughter 
Spotted Yannick Peltier on Facebook still waiting to hear back from him
LCDR Trevor Gibson (Yogi)
Last Man Standing 46 years uninterupted service
Blue Fuller and Greg Dryden at Lightning Ridge
Steve and Bungy visiting Flash in hospital
Jimmy Mac's new grandson Otis Ronald Carriage born in early 2022