My Story 2
My Story 3
Old Photos 2
Old Photos 3
New Photos
New Photos 2
New Photos 3
Tipping Comp
Vet Affairs
Vet Affairs 2
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JRTE info
2008 Reunion
2011 Reunion
2013 Reunion
2015 Reunion
2017 Reunion
2019 Reunion
2021 Reunion
2023 Reunion
2025 Reunion
Passing Out1
Passing Out2
The Parade

HMAS Leeuwin 71
This page was last updated: December 5, 2024
Hi everyone, thought I would give you an update on the Reunion.
1. Venue. We are recommending that we use the Royal Motor Yacht Club Toronto  (click to view) as the venue for both Friday and Saturday.
2. Dates. The 7th – 9th March 2025 is available.
3. Numbers. We will need to confirm numbers as soon as possible but no later than mid-January 2025. Please note that the earlier we can confirm numbers the easier it will be for food choices and costing options.
4. Itinerary for Friday. We will probably start about 6 and go for 3-4 hours. Please note that drinks will be buy/pay your own. It will be catered with a selection of hot/cold foods (note it may not substitute for a meal for some).
5. Itinerary for Saturday. We intend a more formal sit-down dinner with the option of either canapés for an hour before the mains, or just the main meal. Other options include side dishes and tea/coffee.
6. Costs. Costs are a bit subjective at the moment as we have to decide on what we want (mainly for the Saturday night). At the moment the worst-case scenario would be in the vicinity of $120-125 per person. If this is going to be too expensive, we need to know as soon as possible so we can make amendments.
7. Other Stuff – Accommodation. There is a plethora of accommodation from camp sites to caravan parks to hotels/motels in the area. We don’t want to recommend anything as where you want to stay is up to your own preference (just google it). Notwithstanding, it is recommended to book early but noting that it is outside any school holiday period.
Trevor Gibson

The reunion is being organized by Trevor Gibson with the usual assistance of the committee consisting of Midge, Lee Kenyon John Atkins and Jimmy MacCulloch. 
Peter and Judy Burnett
Max Keen
Trevor and Maria Gibson
BSB: 650-000
$125 each
Account No: 565536806
Use your name as reference
2025 Reunion is to be held on the 7th 8th and 9th of March 2025 at Lake Macquarie in NSW