My Story 2
My Story 3
Old Photos 2
Old Photos 3
New Photos
New Photos 2
New Photos 3
Tipping Comp
Vet Affairs
Vet Affairs 2
Health Issues
JRTE info
2008 Reunion
2011 Reunion
2013 Reunion
2015 Reunion
2017 Reunion
2019 Reunion
2021 Reunion
2023 Reunion
2025 Reunion
Passing Out1
Passing Out2
The Parade

This page was last updated: June 9, 2021
I have removed the site funding PayPal link as Allan Freebody has generously offered to take over the funding of the site when our current donations run out in around 2 years time, BZ Al most appreciated gesture mate
The 2021 reunion  was held on the 14th 15th and 16th of May in Coffs Harbour NSW

Max Kean Guest of Honour
Pj and Sue Mancini
Lee and Judy Kenyon
Trevor and Maria Gibson
Greg and Kerry Dryden
John and Julie McCullough
Jim and Cathy  McCullagh
Graham and Kate Watson
Chris and Belinda Derry
David Mills and Helen
Ray and Sharon Cooper
Warren McDonald
John and Julie Lewis
Harry Firth
Ray and Deb Angel 
John Atkins
Wayne and Susan Campbell
Glenn and Lyn Sanderson
Phil and Nerida Williams
Geoff and Sue Stokes
Phil and Wilma Stewart
Terry and Chi Chi Shorrock
Steve and Mariette Cottam
Geoff Connelly
Martin and Kerry Snape
Mick and Dell Mullice
Peter and Judy Burnett
Stephen Green 
Mick Millington 
John Redman
Geoff Chandler
Rob and Tina Merritt
Greg and Sandra Kirley
Ross and Janice Hollis
Malcolm and Sue Marsh
Frank and Roz Moran
David and Lynn Dilley
Chris Davis 
Kevin and Marie Burke
Jon Jankowski
Phil McKendrick
John Barton
Michael Sanderson-Green
Phil and Sue Jackson
Ralph and Andree Loeding
Emma Watson
Micko Michlik
The group photo 46 attendees our best ever attendance BZ
Midge and Sue Mancini
Lee and Judy Kenyon
Jim and Cathy McCullagh
Ray and Deb Angel
Stephen Green
Jon Jankowski
Malcolm and Sue Marsh
Harry Firth
Mick Millington
Greg and Kerry Dryden
Chris Davis
David Mills and Helen
Mick and Dell Mullice
Geoff Connelly
Terry and Chi Chi Shorrock
David and Lynn Dilley
Max Keen
Warren Mcdonald
Phil  McKendrick
John Redman
Geoff and Sue Stokes
Rob and Tina Merritt
Greg and Sandra Kirley
Martin and Kerry Snape
John and Julie McCullough
Steve and Mariette Cottam
Phil and Sue Jackson
Ross and Janice Hollis
Frank and Roz Moran
Wayne and Susan Campbell
Ralph and Andree Loeding
Graham and Kate Watson
Peter and Judy Burnett
John Atkins
Phil and Wilma Stewart
Geoff Chandler
Kevin and Marie Burke
Michael Sanderson-Green
Trevor and Maria Gibson
John Barton
Ray and Sharon Cooper
Chris and Belinda Derry
Phil and Nerida Williams
John and Julie Lewis
Glenn and Lyn Sanderson
Mick Michlik
The consensus for the next reunion is for it to be held in the summer of 2023 in Tasmania