1st intake - JRTE Cerberus
2nd intake - JRTE Nakina HMAS Leeuwin
5th intake (1962-1963)
6th & 7th intakes 1963 
8th intake 1964

12th intake (1965-1966)

14th intake - 1966

17th intake (1966-1967)

18th intake 1967  

22nd intake 1968

23rd intake 1968 -  

24th intake 1968  

28th intake July 69

30th intake 1970

31st intake 1970

32nd intake (1970-1971) - A personal website maintained by Ex POWTR Pat McGeown RAN.

36th intake - 1971  

37th Rhodes 

40th intake 1972-1973

45th intake Rhodes and Howden  1973

46th intake Marks and Morrow

48th intake 1974-1975  

 Stevenson 76th Intake  1981  
Look down on this page for the Links section to other intakes and navy sites also sites to find the lost guys and an interesting sites section.... this is the best bunch of urls we could have found... go for it and lets see who we can find... 
Send me any sites you want linked to this section and I will put them on.....
HMAS Leeuwin 71
Hi All, 

After going through the DVA / MCRS process over the past few years I have realised there is a fair amount of hard work for any veteran to track down the correct contacts & information.

I decided to commission a web - site with links to all the relevant sites &  information. This site may also be used to track down lost mates & to publish your old snap shots etc.

I would appreciate  it if you " TEST DRIVE" this site and provide me with any feed back on a errors & problems in it. I have noticed that even though the photos can be enlarged by clicking on them
there appears to a problem in slideshow. This may be a problem with my Satellite broadband speed or the Mac software. Please test.

If you have any Web links , photos or information that would like to add then please e-mail it with your feedback.

Please  add this site to your bookmarks & feel free to forward the following site on:   http://web.mac.com/alan_curtis/iWeb/ReturnedVets/

Best Regards

Ever wonder what happened to the Ships when they paid off...Well Lee has found this little gem, you can't stop hunting up ships.... 
This page was last updated: August 1, 2019
This link takes you to where you can be removed from junk mail lists...
Gentlemen click here to be taken back to the Olongapo of the 70s and much more.....

Thank You Lee
This is a link to everything Aussie at war
Guys this is a link to the Nirimba Site..Very interesting for the guys who went to Nirimba... 
Help Needed
the 37th Rhodes are trying to get a site together and are chasing their guys.  If you know any of them please pass their info to Peter Sawyer at 
[email protected] 
This is a link to the 72 Intake of Nirimba recruits
This is the TPI home page very helpful for those on a pension
This is a shop for Navy Stuff on the net 
This is another online shop with brilliant stuff
If you are trying to recall who might have been aboard your ship
during a particular trip to Vietnam, here is a way to find out. 

Go to:

Select Advanced Search
Select RAN in Service drop-down box
Select 'your ship' in Unit drop-down box 
Select period by entering beginning date in Serving Date From and
ending date in Serving Date To fields
Click Search.

For all RAN Medical and Dental staff information contact Bev Hardwicke 0419 855 728 email [email protected]
You can ask for her information. You should also inform her if you have informational stuff like I have just done.

Direct link to GUNPLOT just click on the book
This is a link to where you can get pictures of anything 
Australian... particularly good for finding your old ship pics quickly
Guided Group Tours of Garden Island. 
The Naval Historical Society of Australia operates guided group tours which are open to the public and the minimum group size is 30. Normal fees and charges apply. The tours are tremendously popular and are often booked out several months in advance.  (02) 9359 2372 Email: [email protected]

The link to War Veterans Australia
A link to a great site on Hmas Sydney
The link to HMAS Melbourne 1 2 and 3 site
This is an online Govt book all about the RAN
HMAS Voyager all crews site
The link to  Veterans Welfare based at Leeuwin
Highly recommended Submariners site
Great place to view ships...
Link to historic Navy News editions .. you will be in here for hours
Military Superannuation Site
My Story 2
My Story 3
Old Photos 2
Old Photos 3
New Photos
New Photos 2
New Photos 3
Tipping Comp
Vet Affairs
Vet Affairs 2
Health Issues
JRTE info
2008 Reunion
2011 Reunion
2013 Reunion
2015 Reunion
2017 Reunion
2019 Reunion
2021 Reunion
2023 Reunion
2025 Reunion
Passing Out1
Passing Out2
The Parade