This is the link to the Govt Honours and Awards page with ref to the ASM medal for which a lot of you are eligible see Mals post in the forum....
And this is the link to the application form to make things even easier..
These are adobe PDF files showing the clasp tables for service... Many thanks to Dave Fletcher for supplying them... If your computer doesn't open the file you can download a copy for free by clicking this link
RAN Discharge Certificate
I recently attended CMDR Ian Cook's farewell BBQ and was pleased to see that finally the RAN does more to acknowledge the service given by it's members on retirement and promotion. Certificates given today are worthy of framing and are a big improvement on the "Certificate" that most of us received, a piece of paper with our enlistment details. As many of you have received medals since discharging I recommend that you apply for an updated Certificate that lists your Awards. The address for details is available at the Navy website.
This site is also for getting the addresses to write for your Records and also Medals
Medal valuations for insurance
In Solemn Remembrance…
Anzac Day for my good mates…
Is something close and dear…
That strikes their hearts as well as mine…
This day each time of year!
From all around Australia…
They gather one and all…
To pay their deep respects…
As they stand so proud and tall!
These Digger-Mates of wars gone by…
Will pay tribute once again…
To their fellow Digger comrades…
Who were loyal to the end!
They’ll listen to a speech or two…
And shed a teary eye…
As they think about the mates they lost…
Though they know the reason why!
And when the day is over…
And the sun begins to set…
Good-byes are sometimes difficult…
For old Diggers even yet!
They walk away, but may look back…
Like warriors often do…
And shake their heads and softly say…
“ How Mateship pulled them through!”
By Bob Beskar 3-23-2007
Vietnam War Veteran
Dedicated to my Aussie “Digger-Mates”
On their Anzac Day.
This page was last updated: August 17, 2016
The Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence, Bruce Billson, today warned
people against posing as war veterans on Anzac Day, indicating that such
behaviour was disrespectful to veterans and Service personnel and punishable
by law.
In 2003 Mr Billson was instrumental in seeing tougher penalties introduced
for the improper use of Service medals and decorations to falsely represent
a returned Service person. His advocacy to strengthen penalties and to
improve public education about the proper wearing of Service medals dates
back to 1988 when he was a Backbencher.
"Across the country, Australians will gather on Anzac Day to commemorate the
lives of Australians lost in war and other military operations and to
reflect on the service of our Defence personnel," he said.
"Veterans and serving personnel will wear their Service medals at
commemorative events, with a growing number of people also wearing medals as
a tribute to loved ones, including deceased family members.
"There is a protocol governing the wearing of medals and people are
encouraged to follow these guidelines to avoid misrepresentation or
disrespect to our veterans.
"Only the original medal recipient is entitled to wear medals on the left,
above the heart. Relatives' medals may be worn on the right," Mr Billson
"Occasionally a person will wrongly claim to be a returned veteran and wear
medals to which they are not entitled. This practice is deceitful and
disrespectful to our veterans.
"Further, there are a number of unofficial medals which are sold
commercially and are not recognised through the Australian honours system.
These awards should not be worn at public events on Anzac Day," he said.
Under the Defence Act 1903 the penalties for the improper use of Service
decorations and for impersonating Service personnel include a fine of up to
$3300, six months imprisonment, or both.
Recently two people have been found guilty of offences under Sections 80 A
and 80 B of the Defence Act for falsely claiming entitlements to medals.
Further cases, resulting from the wearing of medals for which no entitlement
exists, are currently subject to legal proceedings.
Quarterdeck Trophies
Military Medal Mounting
Banga Cannon Jr Rhodes 33rd
(07) 55737563) 0414 658 495
Postal Service Available
All sorts of Military Memorabilia and a Medal Expert
Shop 4 River Park Plaza Siganto Drive Oxenford Qld 4210
This is Banga Cannon's work guys it is excellent. I had my Parents medals mounted with mine and would recommend sending your medals to Banga to have them done.
The Junior Recruit Memorial Medal
Banga Cannon's work with the JR Memorial Medal the back is glassed so the rear of the medal can be read
Go here to search for lost medals
The Australian Service Medal (ASM) with Clasp SPECIAL OPS was awarded to naval personnel who had been aboard submarines, on trips as specified by CDF.
There are still a number of ex-submarinersfrom the RAN who haven't applied for their ASM and as a consequence, their Medals remain undelivered.
A list of those that had not claimed their medals appears at and it is worth checking to see if your name appears. The list may not contain all those that were eligible and there are still names of some that have applied for theirs, so check it out and either apply for your medal or let me know that you have received yours so the list can be amended.
CPO PR Adams, AB JB Archibald
CPO AE Baker, CPO MG Baldock, LEUT AJ Burns, WO RJ Bateman, AB TW Beard, LS DI Beaumont, CPO DW Bellman, AB DN Bilbow, CPO BJ Birch, AB MG Bird, WO RJ Blair, CPO GJ Burns, AB SR Boyd, LCDR DS Brennan, AB GF Bruhwiller
AB BJ Campbell, PO J M Campbell, LS SJ Carlile, PO AS Cattell, AB DL Clarke, CPO JW Clelland, PO MJ Close, AB LD Cole, LS CR Coleman, LS SJ Conlon, AB JD Connors, LS A Cook, LEUT J Coombes, LS GB Corbett, AB AR Cox, CPO DG Cradock, PO E Creswell, LS RN Crowden, PO SA Curren
AB PK Delaney, SMN MS Dening, WO PR Dew, CPO H Dixon, LS NR Dobson, PO EB Doig, AB P Douglas, LS AJ Dryden
AB SG Edwards, CPO MJ Ellen, PO LG Elliot
LS GA Fairey, LS JA Fairweather, AB SD Fanning, LS SM Farmer, LS CR Filmer, WO GW Findlater, PO GD Fisk, CPO AJ Forbes, PO ND Forbes, LS RM Ford, AB AJ Friar
PO PE Gale, LS AM, Gard, LS JJD Gardiner, LS GJ Goodall, PO WW Goss, PO CR Green, LS MW Greer, AB S Grimshaw
LS IG Hall, AB JE Hall, LS MA Hallcroft, CPO VA Hancock, LS MF Hardwick, WO JG Harvey, LS GC Harvison, PO JG Haverkate, PO IP Haw, AB LA Hayes, AB DMAS Heggie, LS JN Hendry, AB MG Hickey, CPO SJ Hicks, WO MS Higgins, LS G A Hughes, PO V Hirschausen, CPO J R Hodgen, AB FA Hooper, AB BJ Horan, CPO JD Horsley, LS PJ Hoskin
CPO DJ Jackson, LCDR RLP Jones, AB JM Jenko, AB DR Johnson, CPO JW Johnson, PO JB Johnston, LS BL Jones
PO MJ Keirnan LS SL Kellaway AB CT Kendrick LS AJ Kennedy CPO AL Kennedy CPO GW Kennedy LS CA King AB AM King CPO NE J Kingston LS SD Kraemer LS JD Kupsch
AB WF Lack AB BR Lawrence AB SF Leehy PO LA Leeming WO P Lines AB M Linnell AB WJ Linnell CPO JAM Lloyd AB BJ Lucas AB CH Luebker
CPO RG Mackinnon, LS IL Marks, LS DA Marples, CPO AP Marsden, AB DJ Marsh, WO PD McClay, LEUT G McEwan, SMN MJ McLaughlin, AB MP McMullen, AB MF Morris, PO CR McVey, LS D MB Meznaric, PO TG Milne, PO BG Mitchell, LS WG Mitchell, LS PJ Morton, LS SW Musgrove, LS JG Myles
PO M Newby LS PA Nube AB MC O’Born AB AJ O’Connor PO TM O’Grady AB MR O’Neill AB MC Ormond PO KCD Overing
LS TK Peake LS RS Percival AB SD Phoo AB AT Pilbeam AB WN Pollock AB KN Price LS BR Pritchard
AB CN Radin PO GA Rawson AB RJ Richter LS JP Rickard LS JE Robinson LS HM Roe CPO B Rogers LS PJ Ryan
LS M Sanderson, WO GL Schmidt, LS SC Scott LS D Smith LS MD Smith LS MA Shard PO IE Sims AB AJ Smith LS PSmith LS RL Smith LS MJ Smithurst PO RJ Sneyd AB DR Snudden AB MA Steer CPO OW Steggles PO CE Stenton LS AR Story LS DR Stoward AB DC Strehlau PO DA Sutherland LS MA Sweeney
AB CM Tanner, AB BP Taylor, LS DW Thomas, LS JK Thompson, CPO PW Thompson, LS SJ Till
LS AB Vandepeer, CMDR FR Van Der Berg, PO B Van Hilst, AB JR Vickary
LS P KJ Wagner LS SJ Waldon PO MT Walker AB DJ Watson PO RA Watson AB CL Watts LEUT MR Webber AB J Welch AB AD West AB S Wynn LS RJ West CPO SD Weymouth AB DW Whitfield LS GA Wilkinson PO GS Williams CPO G RW Wilson LEUT RDS Wilson, LEUT PB Wright PO SI Wyatt
Contact Details for Medals
Medals Inquiry Line:
1800 111 321 - toll-free within Australia
+61 2 6266 1050 - overseas
Operating Hours: 9.00am-5.00pm AEST/AEDST, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
Inquirers calling on the 1800 telephone number should be aware that these numbers can experience busy periods, and delays may be experienced in reaching an operator.
Fax Number:
02 6266 1065
Mailing address for all Medals applications:
For the Australian Defence Medal: For Other Medal Applications:
Defence Honours and Awards
Department of Defence
Reply Paid 4455
KINGSTON ACT 2604 Defence Honours and Awards
Department of Defence
Norman Williams OAM
Acting National Secretary
Submarines Association Australia
PO Box 63, Bauple, Qld 4650
Mobile: 0419 863 558

These are the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medals for all members of the military who have served during Queen Elizabeth II reign.
You can buy them from several places but I ordered mine direct from England for around $90 delivered.. Julia decided we would be the only commonwealth country to make the veterans buy their own.. No surprises there... you can click this link to order your own they take about 3 weeks to get here as they are pretty busy..